
About Us

Hankook Ctec security and
AI solutions stand
for innovative technology.


At Hankook Ctec, the majority of us are field engineers. Security technology has been our sole focus over the last two decades. From production and installation, to the maintenance of security systems, we do it all. Hankook Ctec provides a one-stop security solution.

We don't just sell products. What we want is to provide you with an experience that meets your security needs. We will communicate with you to clearly understand your needs, and match you with the ideal security products and services. How we achieve this is through teamwork. No matter how small a task, we give it our one hundred percent as individual experts and as a team.

At Hankook Ctec, we have our core expertise that makes us who we are, and through key partnerships we produce cutting-edge, convergence-technology systems that create and add value wherever they're installed.

Research and development in pursuit of the top quality, the development of experts, and win-win relations with our customers and partners-these are some of our values. The people of Hankook Ctec are professionals with expertise and character. We value transparency, communication, and cooperation. We are united in our embodiment of integrity in business.

Our mission is to provide the value of security. Our vision is to play an important role in society as a security solutions provider. That's who we are. That's Hankook Ctec.

Hankook Ctec CEO  Park Jae-gyu